How to Update Parent Portal Contact Information:

  1. Login to the Parent Portal

  2. Click on "Contacts" on the left hand side of the page

  3. Review your contact information for accuracy

  4. If changes are required, click on "Update Information" on the bottom right hand corner of the page

  5. While updating, check the boxes on the left hand side for notifications that you would like to receive: Phone, Text, or Email

  6. Once you have updated information, please click "Submit"

  7. Please be aware that the information will not change immediately, as it must be approved at the school level first

How to Review Grades on Parent Portal:

  1. Login to the Parent Portal

  2. Click on "Gradebook" on the left hand side of the page

  3. Choose the marking period you would like to see by using the drop down menu (default is current marking period)

  4. Click on course name to see individual assignment grades

How to View Progress Reports and/or Report Cards on Parent Portal:

  1. Login to the Parent Portal

  2. Click on "Progress Reports" to view mid marking period progress reports (grades 4-8 only) OR click on "Grades" to view end of marking period/trimester report cards

  3. Choose the marking period you would like to see by using the drop down menu (default is current marking period)

  4. To view a printable version of either, click the "View" button